Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chemo Warrior

What can I say; this image describes my daughter very well. Today she proved to be a WARRIOR! Mayleigh has shown time and time again her inner strength, fight and determination to continue beating cancer! Today chemotherapy tried pitching us a fastball once again. She has had a very tough last two weeks of traveling four times a week, 2.5 hour drives each way though Translink (which we're grateful for but HATE having to use); riding with well-meaning talkative strangers while just trying to rest from Chemotherapy. She woke up today feeling "OK" compared to the last few weeks of nausea and headaches. We are in the next 2 week phase of her treatment protocol that requires her to travel only once a week. She was very excited to know it would be an "easier" week for her (we all thought). Today's' concoction of chemo had been given to her before while at OHSU and she tolerated them OK in the past. Today however, was another story. She was given PEG-Asparaginase through her port and was hit quickly with an itching sensation all over her arms and a tightening in her chest/throat. It scared her and panic kicked in with each restricted breath. They quickly gave her an antihistamine & medication to help her through her port. The Willamette Valley Cancer Institute's staff had EMT there to get her to the next building (hospital is next door) within minutes. Her pulse was so high at times they couldn't read it but I was told they were between 180-200. She started to get improvement fairly quickly and the exhaustion from the experience and drugs kicked in so she could rest. She called me very groggy and out of it to tell me she couldn't remember what the ER doctor said. So a few determined "momma bear calls" later...I had her Oncology doctor and the ER doctor on a 3 way call to make sure we were all on the same page with a new plan. Mayleigh will stay at the hospital tonight for more red blood cells as she continues to be very anemic. This will help her in many ways, keep her resting and hopefully stable through the night until we can go get her and take her home!! I was told that the drug PEG-Asparaginase is one that is known to cause issues as the way it is metabolized in the body is different each dose, with tolerance getting worse after the first treatment.
Cancer sucks, it tries growing its way into too many lives and can effect everyone... even those without cancer! I am sure I'm like most parents, its incredibly hard to watch your beautiful child thrown such a tough curveball. But even though she hates baseball, she is swinging, hitting home runs everyday and winning no matter what pitch is thrown at her. So not only is she a WARRIOR; she is a HERO too!! We love you Mayleigh Workman, together we WILL BEAT THIS AND WIN!!

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