Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Birthday Wishes Come True!

As Mayleigh's 21st birthday approaches us this week; we received the greatest birthday gift; continued REMISSION! Mayleigh and Ian went to OHSU last week for another bone marrow biopsy. Seeing her feeling better and having less chemo over the last few weeks was fantastic; however, knowing she missed some of the treatments to keep on protocol unfortunately left a little room for worry to creep its ugly head in. Larry and I couldn't be happier to know that for our daughter's 21st Birthday, we had something far greater to celebrate!!
Thankfully we can truly celebrate knowing that the best days for Mayleigh are yet to come. I know that one cannot truly appreciate the light...unless you experience darkness. Having gone through some scary darkness the last few months, has us all very happy to have continued light cast upon us. I only want to have this difficult trial catapult our daughter into a brighter future as she learns to deeply appreciate life, family, friends and a healthy body. While it is sad to witness any young person having to overcome such huge challenges at such a young age...I believe it can be a "blessing of perspective" that can lead to a greater love and respect of life that many people never realize in their lifetime. Cheers to life's beautiful yet hard life lessons!

We look forward to seeing Mayleigh's inner light grow brighter as quality begins on the inside and works it way out. We also want to celebrate Ian's good news. He has been working graveyard shifts as a caregiver for the Star of Hope. This has been hard as Mayleigh's treatments require being awake in the day so Ian has often gone without sleep to help her. He applied to take a CNA course so that he could open opportunities for better pay and day shifts. He was accepted to take this course on scholarship starting in January. We are very proud of Ian for taking steps to make a better future for Mayleigh and himself. We have a LOT to be grateful for this holiday season and we are so thankful for the continued love and support! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas & a blessed new year!!

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