Friday, July 15, 2016

Thursday 7/14/16 - Mayeigh update

I remember playing footbag back in the very beginning when Mayleigh's issues started to popup and Simmie Muth, a teacher at North Bend High School, was walking past.
We exchanged hello's and made small talk and for whatever reason I chose at that moment to speak with her about Mayleigh. I don't have allot of friends locally to confide in other than the wife and co-workers and Simmie has always been a great listener as well as a past teacher of Mayleigh's.
I told her I was getting worried about her and kind of unloaded.  I later apologized for doing so but it really felt good to get it out and to tell someone. It was weighing heavy on my mind and I was grateful she happened to be there that day. Just like now it feels good to write about it even if no one ever reads it. Simmie immediately offered up her concerns and that she and her family would pray for her. It also felt good to know that someone was thinking of our daughter.

Today was for the first time not a good day for Mayleigh. I waited longer than normal to text to allow her to sleep in and hopefully get some good rest. I am trying to stay as positive as possible but it seems logical that if there if there is a nuclear bomb going off inside of you then eventually your going to well...feel like crap. That was today.

She started the day off with nausea. She really wanted to just take a bath or sit in the hot tub but all they have are showers. She has been on blood thinners to avoid blood clots and coupled with the hot water and standing up, she about passed out. She had to use the nurse call and soon after everyone came running in. They immediately hooked her up to some heart testing equipment and tested her blood pressure which was extremely low. She said it took her a while to really tell what was going on but eventually she came back to.

They said it was cause of the vegas nerve and that it is somewhat common during chemo and that they would watch it but they weren't to concerned. She was also in need of some platelets so she will need to get some of those in her IV as well. Overall what seemed like something that would of had us scared out of our witts seemed not to big a deal to call mom and dad over so we didn't find out till later. She was able to walk a couple laps around the wing as well so it's good to know she was able to move around even after.

She also had some bad heartburn this evening so I'm thinking she's finally feeling the chemo blues. I hate that she has to go through this part but I'm just praying her white and red blood cell counts stay healthy enough to do another chemo round on Saturday. Her body needs to recover before nuking again and if it doesn't recover then fatigue and feeling horrible sets in. Something that I again pray does not happen.

After one week though we have to consider ourselves blessed for having such little complications and overall discomfort. It's also good to know that if anything happens she has a team of nurses on her immediately getting top notch care. It's things like this though that make me want to drive up now. It's definitely nerve wracking being so far away. We will see her very shortly though and keep the thoughts and prayers coming. The next few weeks are going to be testy to say the least!

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