Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Room With a View

To say we've had a pretty horrible week would be an understatement. It all started with having to leave Mayleigh, then her getting a staph infection followed by kidney failure ultimately landing her in ICU.
Here in a little bit they are finally moving her back up to the bone marrow transplant wing and this time she will have a beautiful view of Mt. Hood. Yah!
She really needed this tiny ray of sunshine. When admitted, all she wanted was to be on the side with the beautiful view of Portland. She has to be there another month so she was really hoping to not have to stare at a brick building again. Sadly she ended up right next door to the room she was in last year.
Mayleigh has been in a living hell. Her body is bruised and stretched massively due to 20 pounds of additional water weight. Her feet are so swollen she can't even stand, her armpits have completely been skinned and are blood red, her abdomen skin was stretched so badly it has wrinkled and looks as if it would slide off her. She's itchy as all get out and her throat and mouth hurt so bad she hasn't eaten in over a week.
Anyone contemplating a stem cell transplant; I would highly recommend researching all your options first. The people that have chosen this route have gone literally from the darkest pits of hell to try and crawl back to the other side.
I can never explain in words the amount of pain, discomfort and horror that one must go through to cure ALL but I do know that my daughter is one amazingly strong woman and I guarantee if you can go through this process, you can do anything your heart desires.
Mayleigh continues to show slow progress with her kidneys and isn't out of the woods yet but the doctor's feel confident she is heading in the right direction. With the world footbag competition starting tomorrow, I am still up in the air on whether I compete or not. If Mayleigh is doing better than I will plan to do routines which are on Tuesday at 11pm. Be the Match is promoting Mayleigh at the event and we are very honored and privileged to have her story told. Even if she can get one donor signed up it will be worth it!
Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. Without the encouraging words and positive thoughts that family, friends and even strangers have sent us, we would be living a very lonesome nightmare. Your kind words are golden and we will cherish your love for our daughter forever!!! <3

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