Monday, August 14, 2017

Day +19 - We Need a Miracle!

Early this morning,  Mayleigh had an extremely low blood pressure and her heart was afib (irregular) and extremely fast. Her blood pressure was 73/45 at it's lowest point and her heart rate was 180 bpm. The scariest part is the doctors have no clue why this would of happened as there were no changes being made at that time. When we got there, they explained everything to us and we were actually coming to say goodbye and get her status as we were contemplating going home to get some supplies. They have reassured us that "now is the time" if we were wanting to get things done or go back home. Needless to say we bailed on that idea and are staying put. Even though we are staying 15 minutes away vs 4 hours, it still feels like forever. Last time we left she was admitted to ICU and it's a nerve wracking feeling having to drive that far and know your child is having trouble.
We really need her white counts to come in so her body can begin healing. Today they doubled her fillgrastim shots that stimulate the stem cells. She's been getting this since day 7 and so far her counts haven't budged. It was her first double dose so hopefully this will help to kick start those cells to go to work. They have also found a virus present that for most of us would not be an issue but because she's neutropenic, they will need to keep an eye on it closely.
We had a huge support system in my mom and my footbag family but my mom had to return home and the footbaggers have all went their separate ways. We are beyond stressed and our minds keep wandering but mostly we want to get that call that her counts are coming in and for that we need a miracle.
If you have a second and can pray/send positive thoughts /vibes/energy for this to happen we would greatly appreciate! Thanks to everyone who have been thinking of us but extra special thanks to my mom who has been here from the beginning (and hated to leave), and my footbag brothers who made me feel for a few hours like everything was just fine and everything thing will be alright. <3
Thank you for listening, thank you for caring! Hearing it never gets old either :)

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