Monday, August 7, 2017

Can't catch a break

Shortly after being moved back to 14k, Mayleigh started having issues with breathing. She wasn't able to control or slow it down and by morning they were sending her back to ICU. Being that it was midnight, she didn't even get a chance to see the view from her room.
In the 30+ hours that have followed, Mayleigh was put on 100% oxygen and had a catheter installed to begin dialysis to remove the water and toxins that have built up inside her. Her respiratory rate had been at or near 60 breathes a minute for nearly 30 hours. Her poor body is exhausted and if it weren't for the oxygen she probably would not be able to keep up on her own.
The doctors have had to now use intubation due to Mayleigh's inability to calm down and trying to rip the oxygen from her nose. She has become delirious to the point she doesn't even realize where she is or why they are doing this. It's as if she is a prisoner and is just wanting out.
There is huge risk to this for infection due to her having no immune system. Having Jon Anderson as her doctor has been a gift from God as he is an incredibly compassionate and amazing young man. He truly makes us feel comfortable knowing he's in our corner.
We again are scared out of our minds. We can only pray that this will give her some much needed peace and let her rest as her body recovers. Engraftment can still happen and push her recovery even faster so we keep hoping this will happen any time.
We appreciate everyone's thoughts, prayers, comments and concerns. We are so grateful for them and are using them to heal our hearts which are currently breaking for our daughter.

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